Opportunities Talk

“Opportunities Talk” is an impactful video initiative conceptualized by Creating Opportunities to share uplifting stories about how opportunities have empowered extraordinary individuals across demographics and locations to achieve their dreams despite adversities.

Featuring motivational high-quality videos, this collection will showcase a diverse range of perspectives – from disadvantaged youth to refugees, community leaders to artists, and activists to entrepreneurs. By spotlighting their inspirational personal accounts of how opportunities were transformative in helping them accomplish goals and overcome obstacles, Opportunities Talk seeks to motivate young audiences globally.

Beyond motivation, these real-life stories will provide practical guidance and advice to young people seeking direction in charting their own paths. As an impact project, Opportunities Talk strives to highlight the immense potential of opportunities to shape lives while empowering youth worldwide.

Provincial Coordinators

Provincial coordinators serve as the primary points of contact for CO in their respective provinces. They are responsible for identifying and communicating relevant opportunities to young people and organizations within their area. They work closely with district leaders and campus ambassadors to ensure that information about opportunities is disseminated effectively.