Project Aawasar

PROJECT AAWASAR is a progressive, youth-centric project designed to harness Nepal’s demographic dividend of a young population. With over 40% under 25 years old facing challenges like unemployment and skill gaps, the project seeks to ignite inspiration, transform mindsets and link youth to opportunities.

Through public-private partnerships with academia, industry, non-profits & government, AAWASAR offers soft skills workshops, career counseling, digital literacy programs and job fairs. The experiential learning model aims to foster life skills, social consciousness, resilience & linkages to economic opportunities.

Over 2 years, targeted outcomes include skilling 25,000 in leadership, communication and opportunity analysis, guiding 15,000 on opportunities, equipping 10,000 with graphic design & AI skills. Additionally, provincial job fairs and mentorship networks will connect motivated young people with real-world opportunities for development and growth.

AAWASAR is poised to be a change catalyst that unleashes youth potential to shape a progressive Nepal by addressing systemic issues of unemployment, disenfranchisement and skill gaps to build a future-ready workforce.

Provincial Coordinators

Provincial coordinators serve as the primary points of contact for CO in their respective provinces. They are responsible for identifying and communicating relevant opportunities to young people and organizations within their area. They work closely with district leaders and campus ambassadors to ensure that information about opportunities is disseminated effectively.